Category:Section VII - Conduct Code

From BSC Policy
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Note: the ConCode frequently refers to an "Enforcement Committee" in its policies. The "Enforcement Committee" isn't an actual committee--rather, it is a placeholder term which may refer to either Cabinet, Conduct Committee, the PNG Review Committee, or the Clear and Present Danger Committee, depending on the circumstances of the individual case.

All alleged violations by current BSC members of the BSC Conduct Code (i.e. Section VII of the BSC Policy Directory) and/or conduct-related provisions outlined in the BSC Member Contract or related addendums shall be adjudicated per the process outlined in the VII.F. BSC Grievance Procedure.

All alleged violations of the BSC Conduct Code (i.e. Section VII of the BSC Policy Directory) and/or conduct-related provisions outlined in the BSC Member Contract or related addendums by a person who is currently not under a BSC Membership Contract shall be reviewed by the Central-Level PNG Review Committee as outlined in the VII.M. BSC PNG and Unit-Level PNG Policy.

All potential administrative and/or operational violations of Section II of the BSC Policy Directory, BSC Member Contract and/or related addendums, shall be adjudicated per the process outlined in the BSC Administrative Code.

“Responsible employees” are individuals who must report Conduct Code violations and other safety concerns that may pose a danger to an individual or others. Once made aware of such issues, the responsible employee must notify the BSC Central Office of the known details related to the event, as well as the names and contact information of parties involved. This notification must be made to the responsible employee’s supervisor, liaison, and/or the Member Resources Supervisor within 24 hours of finding out about the incident via email, in phone, or in person. As a result, this may reveal details about the person reporting, a person who has reached out to a responsible employee, and/or the person who has allegedly violated a Conduct Code policy. This may also reveal information about a person who is possibly a threat to themselves or others. Many BSC employees are considered responsible employees including all BSC professional staff, Board Directors, and the following unit-level managers: Presidents, Assistant Apartment Managers, House Managers, Kitchen/Food Managers, Maintenance Managers, Workshift Managers, Theme Managers, Social Managers, and Health Workers.

Approved by Board 3/21/19

VII.A. Jurisdiction

VII.B. BSC Antidiscrimination Policy

VII.C. BSC Harassment Policy

VII.D. Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy

VII.E. BSC Assault Policy

VII.F. BSC Grievance Procedure

VII.G. BSC Whistleblower Policy

VII.H. BSC Alcohol Policy

VII.I. BSC Substance Abuse Policy

VII.J. Distribution/Manufacturing/Cultivation Policy

VII.K BSC Party Policy

VII.L. Staff-Issued Conditional Contracts

VII.M. BSC PNG and Unit-Level PNG Policy

VII.N. Host Policy

VII.O. Member Right in the Conduct Process

VII.P. Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Body

VII.Q. BSC Anti-Bullying Policy

VII.R. Anti-Police Safety and Security Policies

VII.S Theft Policy

VII.T Vandalism and Destruction of Property Policy

VII.U Conduct Case Temporary Relocation Policy

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