III.F. Operational Review of Centralized Services
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In accordance with the Central Level Procurement Policy (Section IV.A of the Policy Directory), the Internal Affairs Committee will carry out an annual review of all services centrally procured by the BSC. In this policy the term “vendor” is used to refer to a service provider or a contractor.
A. Ensure that all centrally procured services meet the appropriate criteria as delineated in Section IV.A.2.b of the policy directory.
B. Ensure that all services authorized for central procurement undergo a vendor selection process in accordance with the guidelines of section IV.A.3 of the policy directory.
A. Audit last year’s procured services
- i. At the beginning of the Fall semester, the Internal Affairs Committee shall obtain a list of all the vendors from which the BSC centrally procured services in the past year. This list will be generated by the Accounting Department. They shall also obtain from the Contracting & Purchasing Agent the list of services that IACom approved in the previous year’s review along with a list of the vendors that the BSC is currently using to fill those services.
- ii. IACom shall compare the list of vendors from the Accountant against the list of approved services to ensure that every vendor used was officially authorized. IACom should seek information from the relevant central level departments as needed and identify any items that merit further investigation.
B. Update list of authorized services
- i. IACom shall review the list of authorized services from the previous year and ensure that each one either:
- a) meets one of the specific criteria listed in section IV.A.2.b of the policy directory. Or,
- b) is more cost effective to procure centrally when considering the overall cost to the organization, including administrative overhead and workshift cost to the houses.
- ii. IACom shall notify the relevant staff members and unit level managers of the dates when specific categories of services are being reviewed.
- iii. IACom shall consider any proposals to add additional services to the list of authorized services.
- a) In order to be approved, any proposed service should meet the criteria listed above in B.1.
- b) Approved services should be specific enough such that one vendor could provide the service (e.g. “glass repair” or “pest control”). A service is too general to be approved if it could encompass many vendors (e.g. “Maintenance” or “Insurance”).
- c) In addition to the responsible bidding guidelines in IV.A.3, IACom can approve any additional criteria to be used when selecting a vendor for a specific service if necessary. This could include allowing for or recommending the use of multiple vendors for a given service.
- d) IACom shall inform staff and unit level managers of the opportunity to present proposals for additional services
C. Verify processes for vendor selection
- i. Once the updated list of authorized services has been approved, IACom shall specify which of the services will be bid by the Contracting & Purchasing Agent and which ones have alternative processes for vendor selection (e.g. a committee review or a board approval process).
- ii. For those services that are not bid by the Contracting & Purchasing Agent, IACom shall ensure that each one has a clear and specific process for vendor selection that is documented in policy.
- iii. IACom shall ensure that all processes used for vendor selection adhere to the guidelines in IV.A.3
D. Extemporaneous Additions to Approved Service
- i. In the event that an urgent need arises, the Executive Director and the Operations Manager shall have the authority to approve the central procurement of a service that is necessary to maintain essential operations or ensure the safety or habitability for the membership. Any such actions shall be placed on the consent agenda for review and approval at the next regular board meeting.
- ii. If over the course of the year a significant operational change to the organization requires additional services to be provided to the membership and it is infeasible to wait until the Fall review cycle for approval, then the Internal Affairs Committee will determine if the service should be centrally procured or not.