I.B. Committees

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General Description

Cabinet is the Executive Committee of the BSC Board of Directors responsible for maintaining a broad view of BSC governance and ensuring that key issues are framed, prioritized, coordinated, and addressed by the organization. Cabinet serves as a central location of communication for the BSC, with individual Vice Presidents acting as conduits of communication with each other, with the Board, and with management in all issues facing the BSC.

Cabinet is responsible for determining if issues will be decided by management, in Committee, or by the full Board, ensuring the rationale for making a decision is well represented, identifying the opinion or recommendation of the Cabinet when it chooses to make such recommendations, and suggesting amendments or edits to the work of other bodies where appropriate. In the case that emergency action is needed, the Cabinet can act in the place of the Board and report that action to the Board, upon whose authority such decisions are formalized. All meetings of the Cabinet are open to the BSC membership except for those items requiring executive session.


The BSC President is the chair of Cabinet. Cabinet is comprised of the Vice President of Internal Affairs, the Vice President of Capital and Finance, the Vice President of Experience and Training, the Vice President of External Affairs, and two non-executive Cabinet members. Only sitting Directors are eligible to serve as President and voting members of Cabinet. Additionally, the Executive Director must attend Cabinet as a non-voting member, as well as other staff and staff managers as required by the Executive Director in consultation with the President. Finally, up to two members selected to chair Board-created Task Forces must report at every regularly scheduled Cabinet meeting or at Cabinet's direction.

Additional Responsibilities

1. The Cabinet, under the direction of the President, will determine its agenda. It may discuss motions passed out of committee, motions delegated to it by the Board, ideas of its own origination, and the concerns of the membership and Staff Management.
2. Motions from committees may be sent to the Board of Directors for debate or referred back to committee for further discussion with specific recommendations.
3. Handle sensitive or confidential personnel matters referred by management.
4. Provide oversight for and, if necessary, remove unit-level managers.
5. Consider senior manager evaluations compiled by the Executive Director each Spring. See the Employee Handbook Section TBD for more information.
6. Establish special committees as necessary with approval of the Board.


General Description:

The Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors. The Internal Affairs Committee is responsible for evaluating and modifying the policies and procedures pertaining to all BSC professional, member, and workshift staff, as well as BSC program operations at the central and unit levels. At the discretion of the Cabinet and with the approval of the Board of Directors, the Internal Affairs Committee has final decision-making authority over issues including, but not limited to, personnel policies, the Injury and Illness Prevention Plan, unit-level IT service, habitability, etc. IACom is the body that hears proposed alterations to the member appeals processes, the member contract, workshift rules, housing assignment rules, and other issues pertaining to the member contract and Administrative Code before discussion at the Board of Directors. IACom shall fulfill all responsibilities attributed to HRCom and OpCom in all BSC policies and external agreements, and assure legal compliance with all laws applicable to the committee’s charge.


The VPIA is the chair of IACom. IACom comprises, at a minimum, four non-executive student Directors.. The Employee Association may seat one voting member on the committee. IACom is staffed by the Operations Manager, and the Executive Director as needed. The voting members of IACom may elect to seat a member of the Alumni Board as a nonvoting member of IACom, as well as a voting Member-at-large as described in section I.B.13 of the Policy Directory.

Additional Responsibilities:

1. Occasionally review the competitiveness of BSC wages and report the findings of such reviews to the Board of Directors
2. As a standing committee of the Board, IACom is expected to undertake periodic reviews of core components of areas under its jurisdiction, and to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness of programs as necessary.
a. Review the results of the annual metrics and survey
b. Review central level food, maintenance, and supplies operations, including the goods and service review as needed
c. Review and amend policies as they pertain to the BSCIT policy as outlined in section IV.M. of the Policy Directory
3. Propose to the Cabinet areas for work as needed and respond to the requests of the Board of Directors
4. Review the Policy Directory for consistency and make non-substantive revisions in line with Board policy decisions


General Description:

The Capital and Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors. The Capital and Finance Committee is responsible for evaluating and modifying the policies and procedures pertaining to all BSC finances and is responsible for protecting, investing in and expanding the assets of the organization in order to contribute to the organization’s long-term sustainability. This includes preparing the annual budget, recommending contributions to the BSC’s strategic reserves, assuring compliance with law pertaining to financial regulations and property maintenance, and reporting regularly to the Board of Directors. At the discretion of the Cabinet and with the approval of the Board of Directors, the Capital and Finance Committee has final decision-making authority over issues and policies including, but not limited to, approval of the annual audit, approval of the completed BSC tax return, capital improvement and maintenance, the terms and conditions of property leased by the BSC to third parties, the terms and conditions of leased co-ops, and the organization’s property and liability insurance.


The VPCF is the chair of CFCom. CFCom comprises, at a minimum, four non-executive student Directors. CFCom is staffed by the Finance Manager, and the Executive Director as needed. The voting members of CFCom may elect to seat a member of the Alumni Board as a nonvoting member of CFCom, as well as a voting Member-at-large as described in section I.B.13 of the Policy Directory.

Additional Responsibilities:

1. Conduct Insurance Review in the Fall semester, including property and liability insurance to ensure that prudent decisions are made to protect the organization from loss due to insurable risks
2. Conduct a review of the BSC’s bond compliance in the Fall semester, for the duration of the bonds
3. Monitor the implementation of laws affecting BSC financial policy
4. Produce recommendations for Board, of matters relevant to the financial health and stability of the BSC
5. Oversee the development and implementation of long-term capital improvement plans to properly maintain all properties, increase disabled access, improve seismic safety, and enhance energy efficiency
6. Propose to the Cabinet areas for work as needed and respond to the requests of the Board of Directors


General description:

The Experience and Training Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors. ETCom is responsible for evaluating and modifying as necessary BSC education and training programs for both members and unit-level managers, and for programs that strengthen the cooperative values of the BSC’s membership. This includes evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness of programs adopted to train members and unit-level managers, ensuring the transfer of relevant information as the membership turns over, and supporting membership participation in BSC governance. At the discretion of the Cabinet and with the approval of the Board of Directors, the Experience and Training Committee has final decision-making authority over issues and policies including, but not limited to, the content of BSC manager and member trainings and other programs that support member learning and member’s cooperative experience. ETCom is the body that hears proposed alterations to disability rules, and emergency services, unit rules, member conduct policies and procedures, mediation / conflict resolution services, and unit-level safety before discussion at the Board of Directors.


The VPET is the chair of ETCom. ETCom comprises, at minimum, four non-executive student Directors. ETCom is staffed by the [Cooperative Experience] Manager, and the Executive Director as needed. The voting members of ETCom may elect to seat a member of the Alumni Board as a nonvoting member of ETCom, as well as a voting Member-at-large as described in section I.B.13 of the Policy Directory.

Additional Responsibilities:

1. Process ET Grant applications as specified below
2. As a standing committee of the Board, ETCom is expected to undertake periodic reviews of core components of areas under their jurisdiction, and to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness of programs as necessary such as:
a. Manager trainings
b. New Member Orientation and unit-level orientations
3. Fulfill any implied responsibilities for evaluating and approving Community Action Workshop proposals
4. Review applications for the annual NASCO Institute
5. Solicit participation in and select finalists for the annual BSC Cooperative Development Grant
6. Propose to the Cabinet areas for work as needed and respond to the requests of the Board of Directors

Process for ETCom Grant Vetting:

1. The Experience and Training Committee is empowered to award grants to BSC members who submit proposals in line with the “mission” of the grants program, as defined below:
a. “The mission of ETCom grants is to provide resources to promote the sharing of knowledge that will enrich the BSC community.”
2. Applications should be submitted to either the VPET or the ETCom Administrative Assistant.
3. Funds will be drawn from the ETCom Grants budget.
4. ETCom has full discretion over its budget: including, but not limited to ETCom Grants and GMMs.
5. Funds may be used to reimburse members for supplies, labor, venue/speaker fees, and any other expenses related to the event.
6. To be reimbursed, members must submit all receipts along with a completed event evaluation form within ten (10) business days of conclusion of the event.
7. The Member Resources Supervisor will verify with the ETCom Administrative Assistant the final amount to be reimbursed.


General description:

The External Affairs Committee (EACom) is a standing committee of the Board of Directors. The External Affairs Committee is responsible for evaluating and modifying BSC policies, procedures, and programs pertaining to external stakeholders. This includes, but is not limited to, community, neighbor and government relations, political advocacy, marketing and brand strategy, recruitment of historically marginalized communities, alumni engagement, fundraising, and supporting the cooperative movement.


The VPEA is the chair of EACom and facilitates all meetings. EACom is comprised of a minimum of four student Board Directors. EACom is staffed by the Development Director, and the Executive Director as needed. The voting members of EACom may elect to seat a member of the Alumni Board as a nonvoting member of EACom, as well as a voting Member-at-large as described in section I.B.13 of the Policy Directory.

Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Encourage and fund unit level neighbor events at the beginning of each semester
  2. Competitively allocate charitable donations and event sponsorship funds
  3. Generate community improvement projects as described in V.C.3 of the Policy Directory
  4. Disburse the cooperative development grant
  5. Follow press protocols as established by the VPEA
  6. Facilitate board level support of BSC development efforts and actively participate in BSC alumni engagement and fundraising activities as needed
  7. Follow university, local and state government activity as it pertains to the BSC. Attend meetings as necessary
  8. Engage in direct political advocacy as necessary
  9. Strengthen external relationships with cooperatives and businesses relevant to the mission of the BSC


General Description:

SumCom is the Summer Governance Committee of the BSC Board of Directors responsible for fulfilling BSC governance and the responsibilities of Board during the Summer. SumCom must complete projects and tasks assigned from the previous Board of Directors. As needed, SumCom will handle sensitive or confidential personnel matters referred by management, and will substitute Cabinet in matters of emergency or in place of other committees as needed. The term of SumCom shall be from 12:00 a.m. on the day following the end of the spring contract period until 11:59 p.m. on the day prior to the start of the subsequent fall contract period. SumCom Executives will predetermine dates and locations of meetings for SumCom approximately every 2-3 weeks in consultation with SumCom members and Senior management, with the ability to alter that schedule when necessary. Additional SumCom meetings may be called or cancelled by a 2/3 supermajority of SumCom members. All meetings of the SumCom are open to the BSC membership except for those items requiring executive session. The quorum for SumCom meetings shall be the majority of its elected members.


The BSC Summer President is the chair of SumCom. SumCom is comprised of the Vice President of Summer Governance, and five additional Directors elected by the Board of the previous Spring. Only sitting Directors are eligible to serve as a Summer executive or a voting member of SumCom. Additionally, the Executive Director must attend SumCom as a non-voting member, as well as other staff and staff managers as required by the Executive Director in consultation with the Summer President.

Director Responsibilities (both SumCom members and Non SumCom members):

1. All of Board is to be included in distribution of SumCom agendas, minutes, and other communications as appropriate.
2. Directors on SumCom are to take responsibility for disseminating this information to all units, including regular house visits, as other Directors will not have the same depth of knowledge to share with their own units.
3. Non SumCom Directors: At all times during the summer contract period, all Directors elected in the previous spring will remain the Board of Directors of the BSC, with meetings called by Cabinet or four Board Members as set out in the bylaws, and with ultimate authority to make and overturn decisions.
a. As such, it is crucial that Directors not on SumCom will still be responsible for checking their email at least once every 3-4 days, and respond promptly.
b. In the case that a Director fails to respond promptly, removal from position or workshift fining may be utilized, at the discretion of the Summer President.


1. Directors who are elected to SumCom will receive 4 hours at the workshift rate per week of the Summer term.
2. SumCom executives compensation will be outlined in their Job Descriptions in the Policy Directory.
3. Non SumCom Directors who have a Summer contract may receive 1 hour workshift a week for communicating with their members.
4. Non SumCom Directors who do not have a Summer contract and will not be in contact with their houses will not receive workshift credit during the Summer term.

In the Case of resignation:

If any Director who is a member of SumCom resigns from their position as Director or from SumCom, the Summer President shall hold an electronic vote with the full Board of Directors to elect a new Director to SumCom.


General Description:

Each year in the Spring, Cabinet must consider and the Board of Directors may identify one or two projects for work the following academic year. This/these projects will be assigned a task force to be overseen by the cabinet at the direction of the Board of Directors. Once a task force’s need is identified, the Board will adopt a specific charter for the task force including:

1) who will participate in the task force,
2) the start date of the task force,
3) a midway review point (if applicable to the scale of the project),
4) a termination date of the task force’s charter, and
5) the body to which the task force will report its work.

The Board may delegate this responsibility as desired. The task force chair, or member charged with overseeing the task force’s work as established by the task force charter, is responsible for providing frequent updates to both the Board and the Cabinet on their progress and for providing detailed recommendations as to the project's next step upon the completion of the charter or the end of their term as its chair.

The Board may create no more than two Board-level task forces at any given time. The Board or its delegates can designate reasonable compensation considering the expected workload for the task force chair.


At the first board meeting of the semester the President will present to the Board the candidates appointed to serve on task force[s] adopted by the Board the previous spring. The Board may approve the list as a whole, amend the list, or reject it. Additionally, representatives of the Board of Directors not currently assigned to a Board standing committee will be appointed to the task force[s]. Each person seated on a task force is considered a voting member.


General Committee Guidelines:

1. Every effort will be made to assure representation of the apartment units Rochdale, Fenwick and Northside Coop in all Board activities, committees and task forces. Similarly, every effort will be made to assure representation of units of different sizes (small, medium and large).
2. The voting body of a committee shall consist solely of the Directors assigned to that committee and the appointed Committee Member(s)-At-Large, unless otherwise stipulated in the specific committee description.
3. Every effort will be made to ensure that no standing committee or task force has more than one director from a unit. At the discretion of the President, two Directors from the same unit may be seated in the same standing committee or task force.


1. All four of the standing committees of Board (Internal Affairs, Capital & Finance, Experience & Training, and External Affairs) may have one voting member-at-large on the committee.
2. Each committee will select their member-at-large by majority vote. Selections must take place no later than the second committee meeting of the contract period. The committee may also vote not to have a member-at-large by majority vote.
3. Applications will be solicited from the Membership with descriptions and applications written by the respective committee and sent out to the general membership. The members-at-large will be compensated at the workshift rate per hour of committee meeting and per hour of committee related work completed outside of committee meetings. Compensation will be capped at 60 hours per contract period. They are each required to maintain and update a timesheet. This timesheet will be shared with their unit's President at the beginning of the semester and will be made available for the purview of the unit's membership anytime throughout the semester. This timesheet is to be reviewed, amended, and approved by the Vice President of the standing Committee the member-at-large is on every month of each semester.
4. The term of a member-at-large will be one contract period.

[Board approved 4-29-21]


The Audit Committee will monitor the progress and completion of the BSC’s annual audits as well as investigate and strengthen BSC operations and internal controls. The Audit Committee will be comprised of at least three people such that members of the Finance Committee constitute less than one-half of the membership of the Audit Committee:

1. A Director who is on CFCom,
2. A Director who is not on CFCom,
3. In the beginning of the fall semester, the VPCF will recruit members of the BSC Alumni Association or other experts with accounting or finance backgrounds to serve on the Audit Committee. These members must be approved by the Board of Directors and from these members the Board shall select a Chairperson.
4. The Chair of the Audit Committee cannot be on CFCom
5. Members of CFCom must make up less than 50% of the Audit Committee
6. No members of the Audit Committee can receive compensation in excess of what Directors receive for service
7. No members of the Audit Committee can have a material financial interest in an entity doing business with the BSC.
8. At least every three years, the Audit Committee will select an independent auditor through a competitive bidding process. If the Audit Committee would like to continue with the same firm, the Board has the ability to extend the firm’s services for up to two more years.


See AdCode Section XVIII


See AdCode Section XXVI


See Policy Directory IV.K


General description:

The Member Hiring Committee (HiCom) shall be a committee of BSC members. HiCom shall act as the hiring body for BSC member positions. HiCom is responsible for assisting with advertising/recruitment, evaluating, interviewing, and hiring qualified applicants for BSC member positions. Committee composition:

The Member Hiring Committee shall consist of the HiCom Chair, the Direct Supervisor of the position being hired, and members that have attended a BSC Hiring Committee training session. Central Level Member, Regular, Part-Time or Temporary Employees and nonmember employees may serve on the Member Hiring Committee.

1. The Member Hiring Committee (HiCom) shall consist of five to seven members each term. HiCom members shall be selected by the HiCom Chair and Executive Director.
2. HiCom members will be invited by the HiCom Chair to each hiring session. Quorum for all hiring sessions shall be three voting members, including the Chair and the Direct Supervisor.
3. Committee decisions shall be made by majority vote.
4. Members of the Hiring Committee shall be compensated at the workshift rate up to 30 hours per semester.

Committee responsibilities:

1. Hire a new HiCom Chair when the position is vacated.
2. Assist the HiCom Chair with advertising and recruitment activities to help recruit the most qualified and diverse applicant pool.
3. Evaluate, interview and hire qualified applicants for all BSC member positions of 10 hour/week or more.
4. Convene at least half an hour before interviews to familiarize themselves with:
(a) the job description,
(b) questions to be asked of interviewees,
(c) interviewees’ applications, and
(d) evaluation criteria

Hiring Committee Chair (Hicom Chair) responsibilities:

  1. Chair all meetings of the Member Hiring Committee.
  2. Help organize HiCom members in regards to advertising, recruitment activities to help recruit the most qualified and diverse applicant pool, interviews, councils, etc.
  3. Evaluate, interview and hire qualified applicants for all BSC member positions of 10 hour/week or more.
  4. The HiCom Chair coordinates and facilitates all hirings and conducts training every semester for HiCom members.
  5. Oversee organizational recruitment and hiring digital communications.

Committee member responsibilities:

1. Members must help create and post advertisements, visit councils/dinners, host info sessions, and perform other recruitment activities for member employees.
2. Members must disclose all conflicts of interest to the chair before interviews begin.
3. Members must not discuss interviews and/or deliberations outside that specific hiring.
4. Members must make all attempts to be consistent and impartial throughout the hiring process.
5. Members must be professional during interviews and deliberations.

[Updated 1/27/22]


General Description:

The Personnel Appeals Committee shall be a committee of the Board of Directors. The Personnel Appeals Committee shall be the hearing body for the following types of grievances and appeals:

1. all grievances from any employee (excluding student executives) concerning rates of pay, classification of positions, hours of work, and other conditions of employment (Section VII of the Personnel Code; Section 22 of the Employee Association contract);
2. appeals of discipline and dismissal decisions for member employees (Section VII of the Personnel Code); and
3. appeals of unit-level VOC results (Section III.A.4 of the Policy Manual).

In the case of appeals (b. and c. above), the employee shall have 10 working days following receipt of the decision to submit an appeal to the President.

Upon notification by the President, the Personnel Appeals Committee Chair shall have 10 working days to convene the Committee. A majority of the Committee shall be required to make any decision. The vote of the Committee shall be confidential. Decisions of the Committee cannot be further appealed.


The VPIA is the chair of Personnel Appeals Committee. If the VPIA is unable to fulfill this role, the President shall act in their stead. Voting members of the committee will include the Chair, one member appointed by the Employee Association (EA), as well as 3 current Directors selected no later than the second board meeting of the semester, with up to 2 alternates to be chosen at the same time. Committee responsibilities:

1. Convene as needed to address employee grievances and appeals as required by the President and Vice President of Internal Affairs.
a. Personnel Appeals Committee shall meet in closed session. Testimony shall be confidential, but the following people shall have the right to be present during the giving of testimony and respond to the testimony given: the employee bringing forward the grievance or appeal, the Direct Supervisor and the Executive Director.
2. Ensure that the BSC has correctly applied personnel policies as described in the Personnel Code, the Employee Handbook, the EA contract, and all applicable state and federal law.
3. Provide remedies to grievances as they arise related to conditions of employment as noted above.

Committee member responsibilities:

1. Ensure confidentiality in all matters discussed throughout committee proceeding.
2. Be available as needed for deliberations.
3. If unable to meet the specific requirements outlined above, contact the next available alternate from the board approved list and inform them of their need to serve on Personnel Appeals.


1. The BSC President must approve the purchase of food for any official BSC meeting.
2. Food can only be bought for participants of meetings that may go three hours or longer.
3. An official BSC meeting is defined as Board, committees of board, special committees, and regular central level manager meetings such as Council of House Presidents. (Policy does not apply to trainings, orientations or events.)


General Description:

The Intraboard Conflict Support Committee shall be a committee of the Board of Directors. The Intraboard Conflict Support Committee will be the body that addresses conflict and prevents harm exacerbation, acting as an (optional) internal confidential resource to Board Directors. Board Directors are notified of the Committee in their training. Board Directors can send requests to assemble the committee to the Chair or alternate Chair.


The body will consist of one Executive Board Director and a pool of non-Executive Board Directors (at least four during the Academic Year and at least two during the Summer). The Executive will chair the Committee by default. The Intraboard Conflict Support Committee shall name an alternate Chair upon their first meeting. The Intraboard Conflict Support Committee shall be confirmed by the Board by the first Board meeting of the Semester. The President will serve as the Chair and Executive Members of Cabinet will serve as the members of the Intraboard Conflict Support Committee until the first Board meeting of the Academic Year. The President will ensure adequate onboarding of Committee members.

Specific Responsibilities of Committee Members:

  1. Utilize a toolkit of internal and external conflict resolution resources to strategically address disagreement, conflict, and/or harm healthily.
  2. Share the nature of existing relationships to leverage and mindmeld around best ways to broach conflict between two Board Directors or groups of Board of Directors.
  3. Do intentional relationship building with other Board Directors.
  4. Recuse themselves completely from the conflict support process if they are directly involved and/or named as a harm doer in a request to assemble the Committee.
  5. Conduct self and/or group study regularly on topics relating to transformative justice, restorative justice, conflict support, healing justice, etc.
  6. Popularize conflict support mechanisms and values of transformative justice to the Board of Directors.

Specific Responsibilities of the Chair:

  1. Notify Board Directors of scope and purpose of Committee upon assuming role as Chair.
  2. Create an accessible form for Board Directors to make requests to assemble the Committee.
  3. Ensure Committee members have baseline education around conflict support resources.
  4. Facilitate meetings that encourage collaborative and solution-oriented thinking.
  5. Document action items from meetings and conduct individual check-ins on follow through of said action items.
  6. Maintain tight-knit communication and relationships with members of the Committee.


The Cooperative Experience Restructuring Committee (CExRC) is hereby commissioned with the following charge:

Composition: The composition shall be: President; VPs of Experience & Training, Internal Affairs, and External Affairs; 1-2 members-at-large members currently or previously in unit-level manager or central-level member staff positions connected to the staffing structure of CEx; Executive Director.


  1. The committee’s goal is to assess and propose restructuring of the Cooperative Experience department in order to meet the needs and desires of members and properly supporting managers and staff in meeting these organizational goals.
  2. The committee shall consider ideas put forth by the authors of the Cooperative Experience Re-Envisioning Proposal, its directives to the Summer Committee, and other resources listed below.
  3. The committee shall present and potentially propose changes to the Board by the end of Spring 2022 with respect to the department structure, division of duties, and vision for collaboration. The committee shall send a report at the middle of each semester to the Board. It should also be renewed for continued work for as long as is necessary.
  4. Some of the areas and/or projects include but are not limited to the following:
  • The BSC’s mechanisms, structures, and strategies for preventing and addressing conflict (e.g., restorative justice, healing resources, anti-oppression education, Conduct, and more)
  • The need to delineate responsibilities for different staff members (professional and member), with respect to big organizational-wide events and projects like Manager Training and New Member Orientation. The Member Resources team (Member Resources Supervisor and Assistant, Social Manager Coordinator, and Health Education and Worker Coordinators) should all be consulted.

[Board approved 5-6-21]