VII.K. BSC Party Policy
1. General Party and Unit-Level Event Guidelines
- A. All BSC houses and apartment complexes must follow all federal, state, and local laws at all times.
- B. There should be no rental or lending of houses to outside agencies or individuals for parties, benefits, etc. except as outlined in section III.A.9 of the Policy Directory.
- C. This Central Level party policy does not preclude houses from maintaining their own party policies. In the case where a house party policy does exist, both the Central Level and the house level party policies must be followed; if a conflict exists between the two policies, then the more stringent policy shall be followed.
- D. Units shall not host parties or unit-level events which foster discrimination through themes or activities.
2. Definitions
A social gathering or event shall be defined as a party if any of the following conditions apply:
- A. Any social gathering or event that is advertised as a party.
- B. Any social gathering or event occurring on BSC property where non-house members number more than 50% of house occupancy or 30, whichever is larger.
- C. Individual members may sponsor parties, but they must comply with all applicable sections of this policy. An individual event qualifies as a party if more than 30 people attend.
- D. All parts of the BSC Party Policy apply to parties sponsored by individual house members, and the party host will be held responsible for the conduct of all party attendees.
A social gathering or event shall be defined as a unit-level event if any of the following conditions apply:
- A. Any gathering or event passed through council.
- B. Any gathering or event where attendance (including guests) reaches 20% of the host unit size.
- C. Any gathering or event organized by a manager.
3. Central-Level Party Training
- A. The Central level Party Safety Team will be comprised of the Health Education Coordinator, Health Worker Coordinator, Coordinator for Outreach, Diversity, and Anti-Discrimination, Disability Access Coordinator, Emergency Services Coordinator, and Social Manager Coordinator.
- B. The Social Manager Coordinator will provide a mandatory training for social managers at the start of the semester, completed before the third week of the contract period.
- C. Social managers training and orientation is described in III.A.2 of the Policy Directory, which includes a list of the topics addressed.
- D. Social Managers must attend the official Social Manager Training and Orientation at the start of each semester and summer session and sign a form stating that they have read and understood the party policy. Only units that complete this will be allowed to have a party during that session. The Member Resources Coordinator will keep the signed forms at the Central Office.
- E. Only those individuals who have been party trained may take responsibility for party planning.
- F. Co-ops must have collected all emergency contact information and informed all members of their emergency plan before the first party of the semester.
4. Party Advertising
- A. Party advertisements may only be posted, distributed, or disseminated inside the BSC cooperative system. Party advertisements may not be posted on the exterior of BSC buildings, including on exterior doors of BSC buildings. No individual or group of individuals shall enter any non-BSC building while advertising for a BSC party.
- B. Under no circumstances shall any individual or a group of individuals enter another BSC unit without the permission of a resident in order to distribute advertisements for a party.
- C. When advertising for a party, individual or groups of individuals shall not create excessive noise outside BSC units. No group shall distribute advertisements during City of Berkeley quiet hours (10PM-7AM as per city ordinance).
- D. Any violation of BSC conduct policies or any damage to or removal of BSC or personal property that occurs as a result of advertising for a party shall merit investigation through the BSC grievance procedure and potential cancellation of the party as determined by the enforcement procedures below.
- E. The social manager from a unit planning to advertise for a party must email notification to all house managers, social managers, and house presidents at least 48 hours in advance and give an opportunity for any house to opt out. This email should also include the name and contact information of the manager(s) responsible for planning and overseeing the party advertising.
- F. Advertising of parties via websites or the internet must follow these guidelines: prohibited.
- i. Advertising party details through “event” features on social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Myspace) is prohibited.
- ii. Advertising via mail lists or listservs (including Evite) is also prohibited if such lists or listservs include any non-members of the BSC.
- iii. Advertising on the entertainment’s (e.g., a band, a disc jockey, a performer, etc.) website is prohibited; as a condition of hiring or allowing such entertainment to perform at a house party, the house must make the entertainment aware of and agree to this prohibition. The house will be held responsible if the entertainment does advertise the party on the entertainment’s website.
- G. Houses may not advertise alcohol, but advertising “BYOB” is allowed.
- H. Ads may not include discriminatory or offensive themes or references to the use of drugs
- I. Advertisements must include:
- i. Attendance criteria (see section 8.)
- ii. Disability access information.
5. Alcohol and Parties
- A. The house may not sell or serve alcohol.
- B. Houses may not use official house funds (i.e. individual house checking accounts, decentralized BSC funds, social budget, any fees collected by managers, etc.) to purchase alcohol.
6. Money and Parties
- A Units may charge money for admission only; charging for alcohol is prohibited.
- B. There shall be no charging or collection of donations at any event where alcohol is dispensed. This includes charging at the door or for drinks, wristbands, stamps, or cups, at parties where alcohol is distributed.
7. Party Approval and Responsibility
- A. All parties (house sponsored or individual house member sponsored) that will make use of common areas must be approved in advance by house council.
- B. Any unit with an outstanding Second Response must approve a party with a (2/3) (or equivalent) vote.
- C. House council must designate at least one house level compensated manager and one other house individual to act as the “Security Managers” for the party, and to abstain from drinking alcohol and partaking of any controlled substances during each party. Responsibilities of the Security Managers during the party shall include:
- i. Coordinating safety and security.
- ii. Managing emergencies such as illness, injuries, disaster evacuations and fire alarms.
- iii. Communication with neighbors, police, and fire dept. This includes immediately responding to concerns before, during, and after the event.
- iv. Making sure the music and party end on time.
- v. Ensuring that the party is in compliance with all BSC policies.
8. Notification of Parties
- A. Each house/apartment complex, or individual that is having a party (as defined in section 2.) must submit a BSC Party Notification Form, a UC/City of Berkeley Event Notification Form, and a BFD Indoor Entertainment Events Self-Inspection Check List to the Central Office front counter at least 10 days before the party is to take place or the party cannot be held.
- B. Advertisement flyers must be attached to the Party Notification Form, and they must not be posted until approved by the Member Resources Coordinator; such approval can be delivered via telephone or email.
- C. A fire inspection must be completed by either BFD or UCFD and a party permit issued before each party.
- D. The number of people permitted at each party is strictly limited by the number indicated by the Fire Department on the party permit.
- E. Social managers must check in with the Member Resources Coordinator to confirm that the party has met all the criteria and can occur.
9. Neighbor Relations and Parties
- A. In order to maintain good relations with their neighbors, the house/apartment complex, or individual member shall inform their neighbors of any party at least 5 days before the party.
- B. Notification shall include a list of house contacts and the phone numbers of the manager(s) who will be present and in charge of the party.
- C. It is recommended that a house elected official maintain a list of neighbor contacts.
10. Party Attendance
- A. Individuals, houses, or apartments may not hold open attendance parties. There must be some means of regulating who gets in. This must include one or more of the following: College ID (e.g., UCB ID), ID showing 18 years of age or old, and/or on the guest list.
11. Safety and Security at Parties
- A. The house is responsible for organizing sufficient house security before the party. The house will create a plan for admitting only those who meet the criteria for attendance.
- B. If upon receiving the Event Notification Form the Member Resources Coordinator feels that the planned security is insufficient, then the house shall address the Member Resources Coordinator's concerns or the party shall not occur.
- C. The House Social Manager, House Manager or designated house official shall insure that the house complies with fire codes and inspections before and during the party.
- D. The House Social Manager, House Manager or designated house official shall meet with a representative of the security company, or with the house members who will serve as the security team, prior to the commencement of the party to establish placement of security officers and specific duties of the same. Security charges will be covered exclusively by the house/apt.
- E. The Security Managers and Social Manager must wear identification (agreed upon in advance by the Council of Social Managers) during all parties.
- F. When holding an out-of-house party, there must be clearly marked and visible signs listing the phone numbers of the Security Managers indicating that these individuals are available to respond to emergencies and problems that party participants may encounter, as well as signs noting the location of the most easily accessible main area exit(s). These signs must be posted on all main entrance doors, and on the doors of all main area bathrooms.
- G. Social Managers must hold a security meeting and training before each party for their security team. The security team is defined as including the Social Manager(s), Security Managers, as well as security work- shifters, and must include at least 4 members for most houses, with the exception of 8 members or more for Houses with an occupancy over 100. At least one member of the Party Safety Team is required to attend the first such meeting at each unit each session, and the meeting must include:
- i. A review of all emergency exits and evacuation routes.
- ii. A phone number-exchange of all party security team members.
- iii. A plan regarding first aid, medical response, general house safety, evacuation techniques (with consideration for people with various disabilities)
- iv. A plan regarding response to disasters such as Earthquakes, Fires, and potential External Threats
- v. A plan for appropriate responses to situations involving guests in distress and guests who pose a risk, sexual harassment, and other crises, medical or otherwise.
- vi. An appropriate Security plan. (See Security Plan form for more details)
- H. Social managers must submit a “Party Security Plan” form into Central Office at least 48 hours before the start of the proposed party. The plan information must include:
- i. The number of individuals working security, their names, contact information, and the details of their specific work-shifts and stations throughout the party.
- ii. A signature from one member of the Central Level Party Safety Team, certifying that the security meeting occurred as dictated in the Party policy.
- I. All main exits on the main floor/dance floor must be staffed by sober security/work-shifters throughout the duration of the party. There must be more than one person stationed at the main entrance at all times to keep count of the guests and manage house capacity.
- J. All guests seeking access to floors/areas other than the main party/dance area(s) may only be allowed access if accompanied by a member of the house.
- K. Unattended windows, doors, and all other risk areas must be secured before the start of the party, in order to prevent the trespassing of unwanted guests.
- L. The kitchen must be closed off to guests unaccompanied by house members.
- M. A water hydration area should be set-up and maintained throughout the party.
12. Ending Time of Parties
- A. Amplified music shall end no later than 1 AM, at which time the official party must end and the main entrance must stop allowing guests into the house. At the end of the party,
security must sweep through the house, and any individuals who are not accompanied by a member of the house must be made to leave the property.
- B. Party security must ensure that guests exiting the party do not create a disturbance in the surrounding neighborhood.
13. Post-Party Review
- A. After the party has ended, the party security team must meet for a review of the efficacy of the party plan. Members of the team will discuss what worked and what needs to be improved for future events.
- B. If an incident occurs during the party (eg. fire alarm gets pulled, someone gets hurt or there is a dangerous situation, the party is shut down, a second response notice is issued etc.) then the Security Team will be required to submit a report to the Member Resources Coordinator within two days of the incident, detailing what happened, what was done to mitigate or resolve the issue and what should be done in future to prevent such an event.
- i.The report should be open to any co-op member who wishes to comment or add information to the meeting.
- ii.The report should include all unplanned safety or security related incidents that occurred during the event. Also included should be; an account of the night, and a list of things that went well or worked for the security team as well as a list of what needed improvement.
- iii. This report will be used at central level to audit and potentially amend the party policy further in the future. Additionally, the report will help the unit in the case of a conduct hearing into the incident.
14. Enforcement of Party Policy
- A. For the purpose of interpreting and applying the party policy as it applies to an individual member’s conduct, the Conduct Committee will act as the enforcement committee. When discussing disciplinary actions to houses, such as fines or probation periods, the Unit Level Conduct Committee will act as the Enforcement Committee.
- B. If a member of a unit petitions the Enforcement Committee in advance of a party, the enforcement committee may grant exceptions to portions of the Party Policy for the party in question.
- C. In response to a violation of party policy, the Enforcement Committee must implement sanctions in a manner specified below. Any sanctions must be commensurate with the severity of the violation.
- D. At any hearing where an alleged violation of this policy is discussed, the unit or individual member(s) involved shall have the right to be present or send a knowledgeable representative .
- E. In response to party policy violations other than those of section 4 (Alcohol and Parties), the Enforcement Committee may fine the unit an amount not to exceed $25 per resident.
- F. In addition to any financial sanctions, the enforcement committee may take actions including, but not limited to:
- i. sending people to the house to discuss the violations,
- ii. party probation periods (including the cancellation of specific parties)
- iii. requiring that a unit implement recommendations from this policy, such as party security plans.
- iv. termination of individuals’ contracts.
- G. The Member Resources Coordinator must maintain a record of all complaints and sanctions.
- H. Fines collected for Party Policy violations must be deposited into the BSC Scholarship Fund.
15. Specific Sanctions for Alcohol Violations (see Section 5)
- A. Whenever the enforcement committee determines that a unit has violated the party policy’s sections on alcohol, the enforcement committee must give written notice detailing which violations have been found to have occurred within the last 12 months.
- B. The unit’s Social and House / Facilities Manager(s) must meet with the enforcement committee to discuss any violations that occurred, what additional penalties would be applied if there are additional violations, and must produce a plan of action designed to help prevent future violations.
- C. In response to any alcohol violation, the enforcement committee must apply fines proportional to unit occupancy. For repeat violations, the enforcement committee must impose party probation periods.
- 1. If there have been no alcohol violations in the previous 12 months, the enforcement committee may in response to a new violation fine the unit up to $10 per member.
- 2. If there has been exactly one alcohol violation in the previous 12 months, the enforcement committee may in response to a new violation fine the unit up to $25 per house member, and must impose a one-month party probation period in which the house may not hold any parties as defined above. A member of the enforcement committee may inspect the first party following the completion of the probation period.
- 3. If there has been two or more alcohol violations in the previous 12 months, the enforcement committee may in response to new violations apply party probation periods of appropriate length and fines not to exceed $25 per member, as well as other actions it deems appropriate to the circumstances.
16. Cloyne Exception
In recognition of Cloyne's academic theme and commitment to maintaining a substance free space, Cloyne may:
- 1. Host substance free events that are either academically themed or actively advertise and emphasize the Cloyne Court Substance Free Policy. The house managers will abide by BSC party policies in planning these events.
- 2. Publicly advertise events that are both academic and substance-free, including on social media. Non-academic social events may be advertised per BSC party policy.
17. COVID-19 Addendum
The BSC Emergency Response Team (ERT) recognizes the City of Berkeley and The University of California have relaxed COVID guidelines to allow for social gatherings both inside and outside as long as safety guidelines are followed. The ERT proposes these adjustments to the BSC party policy in order to better reflect and protect the surrounding community:
For Houses:
- 1. Due to the amount of travel and interaction with people locally, nationally, and internationally, no houses will have parties for ten days after move-ins, winter break, and Spring break. (see footnote 8)
- 2. All approved parties will require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within 3 days to attend.
- a. The Unit-Level Manager team will be responsible for checking vaccination cards at the door for any guests who attend the party
- 3. Parties in BSC houses must be approved by a supermajority of the house.
- 4. Members who are displaying COVID symptoms as defined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) are not allowed to attend parties.
- 5. Should a Covid-19 outbreak occur in a BSC house, there will be a temporary party embargo in that BSC house for ten days.
- a. A COVID outbreak is defined as 5% or more of the members, or 3 members, whichever is higher in one BSC House being positive at the same time. (see footnote 9)
- i. ERT is setting the outbreak number at 5% for a BSC house as a way to practice caution and focus on early detection.
- ii. Strong likelihood there are more than three positive COVID cases which have not been identified
- b. Individual communities can have the temporary embargo removed before the ten day deadline by having every member present in the house submit a negative COVID test result as a part of party approval process
- i. The goal of this part of the policy is to ensure that the community hosting the party does not spread COVID to the local community.
- a. A COVID outbreak is defined as 5% or more of the members, or 3 members, whichever is higher in one BSC House being positive at the same time. (see footnote 9)
- 6. Parties must take place in a space that is avoidable for members.
- a. Members who are immunocompromised or members who do not want to participate in the party should have the ability to enter and exit the community without passing through the event space.
- b. Change: masking will be left to the discretion of the house as detailed in the updated mask mandate
- 7. Unit-Level Managers must still follow all proper policies regarding preparation for parties, outlined in the BSC party policy.
- 8. Any violations of this policy will fall under the Unit Level Conduct Violation policy.
For Apartments:
The ERT recognizes that the BSC apartments interact with each other in manners different from houses. The apartment complexes in the BSC have a great deal of outdoor space
- 1. Due to the amount of travel and interaction with people locally, nationally, and internationally, no apartment complexes will have parties for ten days after move-ins, winter break, and Spring break.(see footnote 10)
- 2. All approved parties will require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within 3 days to attend.
- a. The Unit-Level Manager team will be responsible for checking vaccination cards at the door for any guests who attend the party
- 3. Members who are displaying COVID symptoms as defined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) are not allowed to attend parties.
- 4. Parties must take place in a space that is avoidable for members
- a. Apartment social managers looking to have parties in an outdoor common space in the apartments should identify alternative routes that members can take to enter or exit their apartments safely.
- b. Members who are immunocompromised or members who do not want to participate in the party should have the ability to enter and exit the community without passing through the event space.
- 5. Unit-Level Managers must still follow all proper policies regarding preparation for parties, outlined in the BSC party policy.
- 6. Any violations of this policy will fall under the Unit Level Conduct Violation policy.
8)This is following the guidelines set forth by the Center for Disease Control
9)This definition of an outbreak is derived from the National Governors Association
10)This is following the guidelines set forth by the Center for Disease Control
[Addendum approved at Board #2 (03.03.2024)]