Policy Proposal Form
Author: JimmyBob JimBob (vpia@bsc.coop)
Name of Policy: Petitions
Belief in miracles: ( y / n ) (circle one)
Brief description of proposal:
Define what constitutes a valid petition.
Refers to any BSC policy or by-law that has a petition as a mechanism:
Stakeholders: All members who want to circulate BSC policy or By-Law related petitions.
Pertinent History:
Since the inception of the BSC, petitions have been used as a mechanism to enact change in the organization. In the last two years there have been three petitions circulated in the BSC
- A membership petition to reduce board size
- An IRC Petition and
- A membership petition to reverse the Manager Oversight Policy.
However, we currently cannot insure that
- ) members understand the content of a given petition and
- ) there is a way to validate signatures in a petition.
Goals: Set criteria for transparent, verifiable petitions.
Specific changes:
Add the following text under a new section I.D.4. of Policy Directory
These are the minimal requirements for a valid petition:
- The exact wording of a proposed position must be included on any petition. The content must be clear and concise.
- The authors of the petition and their affiliations must be clearly identified at the top of the petition.
- A petition must legibly include the following signatory information in addition to the signature
- Each signer’s name in print
- At least two unique pieces of traceable information that makes it possible to confirm the identity and participation of each signer.