II: Admission of New Members

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II.A. Application

1. Each prospective member shall complete an online registration form and pay the required non-refundable $25.00 registration fee in order to complete the registration process.

2. At the time of entrance into the organization, the applicant shall pay such charges as specified in their contract and Section IX of this code.

3. A new BSC member’s fee will be a one time, non-refundable $50.00, to be paid along with their deposit.

4. A registration form may be submitted on behalf of an unnamed prospective member by a department head or faculty sponsor when such an applicant is to be a participant in a University authorized program to aid disadvantaged students or foster cultural exchange. Qualification under this provision is to be determined by the Operations Manager. Such applicants shall conform to all regular provisions of assignment and deposit forfeiture.

5. Prospective members are wholly responsible for a timely receipt of registration form and fee, and new member fee

II.B. Registration and Membership Numbers

1. A registration number shall be assigned chronologically with each registration form accepted.

2. A BSC member number shall be assigned chronologically with each membership fee paid.

II.C. Deposits:

1. A security deposit and membership fee shall be required for the acceptance of a contract as a resident or a boarder. EOP members shall be eligible for a reduced deposit. Deposit amounts shall be specified in the contract.

2. Deposits are refundable to members upon written request when they leave the BSC according to the provisions of the contract if they have no reservation for the following semester. If a student satisfactorily fulfills the terms and conditions of their contract, the deposit will be refunded after the last semester of residence or board and after all outstanding bills are determined and paid.

3. When a member leaves with an unsettled account, the amount owed shall be deducted from their deposit and the balance, if any, refunded.

a. If attempts to collect bills greater than the deposit amount are unsuccessful, outstanding bills at the central level will have the first claim on deposit money, followed by outstanding bills on the house level.

4. AB540 Students: The BSC is a safe space for all students regardless of immigration status. It is the stance of the BSC that students including undocumented students have the right to affordable housing within the co-ops. If staff encounters AB540 UCB students who may qualify for, but have not applied to the EOP program, staff will refer such students to the EOP program.

II.D. Contracts:

1. All BSC Contracts and Leases are incorporated into this document as if fully set forth in their present form, as are all future revisions to be effective when published. When conflicts appear, the provisions of the Contracts and Leases will take precedence over those of the Administrative Code.

V: Assignment of Spaces