I.A.1. Board of Directors (BOD) Member Job Description
BOD General Job Description: The Board of Directors is primarily comprised of members elected by their unit and is responsible for overseeing the management of the BSC, the selection of Central Level Management, and the setting of all administrative, personnel, and operating policies. The Board has ultimate authority over all aspects of the BSC. Directors are legally bound to act in the best interest of the BSC as a whole, not those of their units. Directors are responsible for communicating to members the actions of the Board and its committees, seeking member input into decision-making, and serving as a general liaison between their unit and the central level of the BSC. Directors are responsible for educating members about the mission of the BSC. Furthermore, Directors should organize support for and encourage on-going member and alumni engagement in activities and programs that support BSC strategic initiatives.
Specific Duties:
1. Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, along with any other special Board meetings (or participating by electronic means if unable to do so).
2. Attend all meetings of at least one committee or task force.
3. Attend Board training and/or goal setting meetings at the beginning of each semester along with any additional meetings the President may call.
4. Read, and become familiar with key documents including the BSC Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Policy Directory, Personnel Code, and Administrative Code along with Board policies.
5. Report to the unit the actions of the Board and its committees. The specific method is up to the director (methods used in the past have included posters, newsletters, and reports to unit councils).
Qualifications: Knowledge and/or experience with different areas of Co-op operations are frequently helpful, although it can be acquired on the job. A willingness to continually learn about different facets of the co-op is necessary to do a good job. Though we use our own facilitation guidelines, acquiring a working knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised can be helpful.
Term of position: One calendar year beginning at the end of the Spring contract period
Supervised by: President
Elected by: Elected by their representative entity at the end of the Spring term
Expected hours/week: 5-10 during the academic year
Compensation: During the fall and spring contract periods, this position fulfills the workshift requirement. Additional work may be compensated hourly, at the workshift rate. They are each required to maintain and update a timesheet. This timesheet will be shared with their unit's President at the beginning of the semester and will be made available for the purview of the unit's membership anytime throughout the semester. This timesheet is to be reviewed, amended, and approved by at least one of the following: (1) the Vice President of the standing committee the Board Director serves on, (2) their unit-level president, or (3) their unit-level council. Approval should take place at least once per month.
[Board approved 4-29-21]