XVII: AdHoc Committee

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XVII.A. Composition of the Committee (revised 5/6/10)

1. The Administrative Committee (AdCom) shall have seven voting Members, one from each of the Houses/Apartments that are selected by Cabinet.

2. The voting members shall be selected from their houses/apartments must be elected by their respective units.

3. Administrative Committee members shall serve terms of one year (Fall through Summer)

4. If an AdCom Member cannot attend a meeting, a Board rep or other BSC member approved by the House President must attend in his/her place.

5. The Chair, the Operations Manager (OM) and BSC Member Advocate (MA) must attend all meetings.

6. The Administrative Committee Screening Committee shall be composed of the AdCom Chair, the OM, and the Member Advocate, and may reject incomplete cases by unanimous vote.

7. Once per year, in the Spring semester, Cabinet must in accordance with the following rules select the units that must elect AdCom representatives:

a. Cabinet must select the units that must elect AdCom reps before selecting the units that must elect ConCom reps.
b. Once a house or apartment has been chosen to have a representative on AdCom for a particular term, then that house or apartment shall not send another representative to AdCom until all the other houses and apartments on the same rotation list have been chosen to send a representative.
c. Two representatives must be selected from the “Large House/Apt. Rotation list” (composed of units with occupancies of more than 80).
d. Three representatives shall be selected from the “Medium House/Apt. Rotation List” (units with occupancies from 35 to 80).
e. Two representatives shall be selected from the “Small House/Apt. Rotation List” (units with occupancies up to 34).

XVII.B. Duties of the Committee (revised 5/6/2010; 04/12/12)

1. The Administrative Committee shall interpret and apply the provisions of the Administrative Code and all sections of the Member Contract except section 22.

2. AdCom representatives and the Chairperson must obtain a strong understanding of the AdCode, and must thoroughly review prior to each meeting all sections that may be applicable for the cases that will be heard. The AdCom Chair must, therefore, notify in advance of the meeting all AdCom members of the types of cases to be heard, and flag if possible the applicable policy sections.

3. The Administrative Committee representatives and Board representatives shall be excluded from voting on the Administrative Committee cases that involve them personally.

4. The Chair must notify the house when a representative or a substitute fails to attend a meeting of the Administrative Committee.

5. The Chair must call meetings whenever necessary, usually every other week.

6. The Administrative Committee may compensate a member at the house’s expense, e.g. for habitability problems, improper fining, etc.

7. Houses must select their Administrative Committee representatives before the second week of the contract. The Chairperson must conduct training for the AdCom representatives before the first meeting of the case hearings. Training materials, including the policy manual, must be sent to representatives before training. Representatives must attend training in order to retain their position. Training must cover the following topics:

a. Introduction to the purposes and duties of AdCom
b. Explanation of committee procedure
c. Mock cases, including examples that demonstrate the difference between more ordinary or straightforward cases and complicated or unusual ones
d. Explanation of most commonly used policy sections

8. Administrative Committees Representatives shall earn two hours of work-shift credit per week.

XVII.C. Exceptions to Policy (revised 5/6/2010)

1. In addition to the duties already mentioned in the Administrative Code, the Administrative Committee, by a twothirds vote of representatives present, has the authority (subject to the approval of the Board of Directors) to depart from the Administrative Code in unusual circumstances only if all other sections of this code, the BSC contract, Bylaws, and the Articles of Incorporation have been followed without resolution, or to decide cases of unusual circumstances for which the Administrative Code makes no provisions.

2. When this section of the code is cited in an AdCom decision, the circumstances and motivation for the exception must be stated in the motion.

3. A representative may decline to vote only before a case begins; after this, representatives must vote yes or no in the final vote. They may not abstain, but they may make an official comment, to be recorded in the minutes, as to why they voted as they did.

XVII.D. Quorum and Voting

1. A quorum of a simple majority of the committee members must be present for a vote to be valid.

2. The chairperson of the Administrative Committee may not vote.

XVII.E. Board of Directors Review of Administrative Committee (revised 5/6/2010)

1. The Board may refer a case back to the Administrative Committee if new evidence has come to light which merits a rehearing of the case.

2. When AdCom consistently makes exceptions to particular sections of the code, the Chair and OM must bring suggested policy changes to the attention of an appropriate Board committee.