XVI: Summer Operations

From BSC Policy
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A. There shall be two contract periods during the summer. The first summer contract shall start no later than the first day of the UC Berkeley summer session. The second summer contract shall start six weeks later and typically ends the day after the UC summer session ends.

B. For convenience, summer operations in regular year room and board units are divided into these categories:

1. Houses operating on room and board programs.
2. Houses operating on room only programs.

C. Apartment units will be operated on the same basis as during the regular year.

D. The terms of office of all unit-level managers shall be for the entire summer unless expressly stipulated otherwise.

E. Houses shall at least have a president, a workshift manager, a maintenance manager, a house manager, a kitchen manager, and board representative(s); apartment units will have their regular complement of managers.

F. All summer unit-level managers shall be selected by the spring members of the unit. Unfilled positions will be selected by the summer members of the unit.

G. Five workshift hours per week will be required at all houses. Summer workshift managers may request an exemption down to 3 hours from the Operations Team based on current state of the unit and historical habitability records, which is revocable. Decisions are not up for appeal. This policy will be re-evaluated in Fall 2018 for efficacy.

H. No person shall be allowed to commence residence during the final four weeks of the Summer term. Members holding Fall contracts and UCB session E students will be exceptions to this policy.

I. The cancellation deadline for both summer sessions shall be on the Wednesday, three weeks prior to the start of the first summer term. The member will be charged a forfeiture fee and held to room charges until replaced as specified in the contract.

J. See Section VII for summer points and assignment of rooms. All other administrative practices not specifically outlined for summer will follow the same policies as the regular academic semesters.