VIII: Check-out Procedures

From BSC Policy
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A. Each member who leaves the BSC, either during or at the end of a semester, must checkout with the unit manager. A member who fails to checkout with the unit manager may be subject to a fine.

B. Checkout shall, minimally, consist of clearing out personal belongings and furniture from the old room, cleaning the room, ensuring all BSC issued furniture is in the room, returning keys and settling one’s outstanding account, and the member will not be considered to be checked out without fulfilling these basic actions.

C. The unit managers may prepare checkout slips that must be paid by the member and may include charges for payment at Central Office such as workshift, house bill charges, keys and other fines at the unit.

D. Each unit shall be assessed $3.00 for each checkout slip that is referred to Central Office for collection.

E. A member shall not be allowed to checkout retroactively. They shall be responsible for all charges to the day of checkout.