VI.K. Co-Oper of the Month Award

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General Information: An award for “Co-oper of the Month” will be awarded to at least two but no more than four members throughout each Fall and Spring semester (months include: August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April). Any member can be nominated by anyone in their unit as well as by anyone in the BSC. Members can be nominated any time throughout the semester for demonstrating outstanding behavior. The Member Resources Assistant shall notify all managers by email about the Cooper of the Month award no later than the Monday after move-in day of each semester. They also must send reminder emails about the award each month at least a week before the nominee submission is due. This award should be announced by the Vice President of Experience and Training each Board Training that is held to make sure Board Directors are well informed about the award. The Cooperative Experience Manager and/or the Member Resources supervisor should inform managers about the award at general manager training. Managers and Board Directors are expected to inform their units about this award and forward emails to their members about the award. If there is a month with no nominations submitted, the following month may have two co-opers selected.

Nomination and award process: Nominations shall be solicited from all co-op properties and shall be due the Friday before the last day of each month. Applicants will be reviewed and selected by a subgroup that includes an ETCom member and the Cooperative Experience Manager at a regularly scheduled ETCom meeting the following week. The VPET shall announce the winner each month at Cabinet and Board. Up to $500 (combined) from the Co-oper of the Month fund that can be used each semester to award the nominees selected.

Recognition: When a member is selected as “Co-oper of the Month” they shall be presented in the Member Resources Newsletter with a description of what they demonstrated to receive the award. This must be done no later than the second newsletter of the following month.

Nomination form:

Nominee’s Co-op:
Nominee’s Email:
Nominee’s Phone:
Nominated by (co-op):
Name of person submitting form:
Email of person submitting form:
Phone of person submitting form:
Statement about the nominee: Please describe why you are nominating this person for the Cooper of the Month. Please use tangible examples of what this member did and why they deserve to receive the Cooper of the Month award (100-500 words).

[Board-approved 5/5/2016]