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1. Calling general membership meetings

a. The Board of Directors shall have power to call a general membership meeting at any time.
b. The President of the corporation must call a meeting immediately upon the receipt of a petition signed by 20% of the membership requesting a membership meeting. Members must be given not less than two days notice of any meeting, the time, place and purpose of which shall be specified in the call for the meeting. All Membership Meetings shall be held at wheelchair accessible locations.

2. General Membership Meetings will serve as the venue for Members to inform themselves about organization-wide issues, provide feedback on potential policy solutions, set priorities and direction for future Board projects and generally come together to discuss matters concerning the BSC.

3. A General Membership Meeting with at least ten percent of the total BSC Membership voting affirmatively may direct the President to initiate a secret ballot of the entire Membership within two weeks time. No more than one third of the vote threshold may be satisfied by voters from a single unit. The referendum must follow the procedure outlined in Bylaw section X. Powers of Membership Petition/Voting.


1. Calling Board of Directors’ meetings

a. The President must call a meeting of the Board of Directors as directed by Cabinet.
b. The President must call a meeting of the Board of Directors upon the request of four members of the Board.
c. The Board of Directors and Cabinet shall have the power to determine the time and place of official Board meetings. All Directors meetings shall be held at wheelchair accessible locations.
d. Members must be given not less than two days notice of any meeting, the time and place of which shall be specified in the call for the meeting.

2. Quorum classifications and voting

a. A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the total number of Directors, provided that Directors are present from at least half of the units.
b. In the absence of a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors, when so ordered by the President or Secretary, subjects requiring prompt consideration may be submitted by mail or email to directors and their votes taken by correspondence. Any measure submitted in this manner requires an absolute two-thirds majority to pass.
c. In the event that quorum is lost after the Board of Directors has been duly convened with quorum, the meeting may remain convened so long as one half of directors are present. Passing any motion shall require a majority of quorum. Therefore, it takes over one-third of all directors to pass a motion. This paragraph shall be in effect only to the extent that it conforms to applicable state law.

3. A simple majority vote of the Board shall be necessary to pass a resolution, motion, or approval.

4. An absolute two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors shall be necessary to amend or suspend the Personnel Code, unless ten days written notice of the proposed amendment has been given.

5. Before any unit or Member is penalized by the Board of Directors or Cabinet, they must be notified one week in advance, directed to the Member Advocate, and given adequate opportunity to speak on their own behalf to the Board or Cabinet.

6. The Board of Directors shall be empowered to consider, amend, pass and reject action items (see section VIII.A). These action items must be on the agenda distributed at least 48 hours before the meeting and approved by a majority of the board at the beginning of the meeting in order to be discussed during the meeting. An item may be added to or removed from the agenda by a two-thirds majority.

7. The president will decide whether a particular action taken by the Board is within the scope of the current discussion. If they deem it to be in violation of the normal legislative process, they may refer the issue back to a committee. This decision may be overruled by an absolute majority.

8. Motions and formal voting procedures will only be considered as part of an action item discussion. A discussion item may be made an action item by a two-thirds majority.

9. A period at the beginning of every board meeting shall be reserved for soliciting new ideas and concerns from members of the organization.

[Membership approved 3/19/15.]