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General Job Description:

The Summer Vice President’s chief responsibility is to assist the President to ensure that Summer Board functions smoothly, and to promote the general welfare of the corporation. The Summer Vice President will cover the responsibilities of the other Vice Presidents over the Summer period. Also see the BSC Executive Job Description.


1. Meet frequently with the Executive Director and the Summer President to coordinate the planning of SumCom meetings.
2. Attend all SumCom meetings and Chair in the place of the President as needed.
3. Attend any Board meetings called during the Summer and Chair in the place of the President as needed.
4. Conduct research and complete projects as directed by SumCom and/or the Board of Directors.
5. Serve on ad hoc committees and fulfill any other duties as required of the VPIA, VPCF, VPET, and VPEA by Board or BSC policy.

Term of position: 12:00 a.m. on the day following the end of the spring contract period until 11:59 p.m. on the day prior to the start of the subsequent fall contract period.

Supervisor: Summer President

Hired by: Board election

Expected hours per week: 17.50 (Overtime hours are guaranteed and compensated by submitting a timesheet)

Compensation: $1,980.00

[Amended as per Board #3 Budget Meeting (03.21.24)]