2013 ED Probationary Period Review: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 15:00, 8 February 2013

A. Specific Goals

1. To provide a solid basis in determining whether to hire or not hire the Executive Director (ED) at the conclusion of the probationary period.

2. To encourage active communication between the ED and the Executive Director Review Committee (EDRC) about the ED’s goals and performance prior the Executive Director Review (EDR).

3. To focus on the ED’s actions and management, rather than on organizational performance or the direction of the BSC as a whole.

4. To endow a small group of executives and board representatives (EDRC) with the authority to educate board on the executive director’s performance.

B. Criteria aka what board should look for:

Criteria: Is this person “an outstanding fit” for the organization. In other words,

1. Can this person do the job? If not, then don’t keep. If yes, question two.
2. Are they the correct person to implement our vision for the organization? If no then, don’t keep.

C. Measure of Criteria.

The Executive Director Review Committee (EDRC) will develop surveys for the three largest stakeholders of the BSC community who have the highest levels of interaction with the ED: staff, board, and cabinet. The EDRC will then edit the responses providing Board with a succinct and relevant summary of the survey. The surveys shall reflect the ED’s job description.

D. The Survey

1. Questions for all three groups:

-Please specify your level of interaction with the ED.
-Type of activities
-Do you feel like you have enough experience with the ED to make a good judgment about his/her fit with the organization? If not, what information do you want?
-What additional information about or from the ED do you want?
-Are they an outstanding fit for our organization? Please provide specific examples to justify this assertion.

2. Questions for specific groups:

a. Board
-Should the ED be retained? If you are uncertain, please provide specific information that could help you better make a decision.
b. Cabinet
-Same as board but includes additional questions specifically discussing:
-How the ED has affected their efforts to run their committees
-How the ED directed the activity of committees and ensure that the VPs had access to the resources they needed
-Do they think the ED has a relevant vision of the future of the BSC?
c. Staff
-Survey to staff
-Combination of ratings and short answer
-Use of Specific
-List three things that you think the ED needs to work on and give specific examples
-List three things the ED has done well

3. Process to administer the Executive Director Review Survey includes:

a. Develop of a survey and provide the survey to the BSC staff, cabinet and board.
b. When providing the survey, the EDRC should make it clear to respondents that only pertinent responses will be included in the summary report.
c. In order to maximize participation:
i. The EDRC can use a combination of incentives and punitive measures to ensure a high participation level. Specifically, the EDRC can penalize board and cabinet members who fail to complete the survey and reward employees who decide to complete the survey.
ii. The EDRC should allow participants a week to complete the survey.
d. The EDRC shall present a summary of their findings to the ED at least five days before the board meeting to allow the ED to prepare a response before the board meeting.
f. Reading and filtering survey responses in a closed session to prepare the final report of the Committee for Board. The report shall include a range of opinions and the ED’s response to the evaluation. The confidentiality of all interviewees and evaluations shall be maintained.
g. Educate Board and the Executive Director, including a description of the committee’s role in collecting and filtering responses.

F. Executive Director Review

1. At the second to last board meeting of the semester, Board will be presented with the EDR Comm report on the ED’s performance. Board will then vote to determine if they have enough information to decided whether to fire the ED.

a. If they do not have enough information, they must specifically list what information they need to make this decision. EDRC will provide Board with the information at the last Board meeting of Spring 2013. Board will then vote on whether or not to fire the ED at this meeting.
b. If Board has enough information, Board will vote that meeting on whether or not to fire the ED.

2. Board representatives must decide whether to fire the ED. A majority vote is required to fire the ED.

a. If the ED is fired, the president will begin the process of looking for a new ED and finding a temporary ED.
b. A vote to not fire the ED will be taken as a decision to extend the probationary period until Fall 2013. Board will then need to provide a list of recommendations for how the ED could improve her performance as well as any information they would like the EDRC to gather for the Fall 2013 review.

3. If Board votes to extend the probationary period, midway through Fall 2013, the EDRC will be charged with undertaking another survey of the performance of the ED in conjunction with the normal ED Review.

a. The report and the survey should focus on the same questions as the Spring 2013 EDR and should also examine the progress the ED has made from the recommendations put forth in the Spring 2013 EDR..
b. The second part of the Fall 2013 ED Review shall act as the normal EDR and provide tangible recommendations for the ED on improvements that could be made.

4. The EDRC will compile their findings into a report using the same procedure as they used in the “Process to administer the Executive Director Review Survey.” They will then present their findings to the Board which will decided whether or not to hire the ED.

a. If they vote to not hire the ED, the president will begin the process of looking for a new ED and finding a temporary ED.
b. If they decided to hire the ED, Board will replace the Temporary ED evaluation period with the permanent evaluation period.

G. Extraordinary Circumstances

In extraordinary circumstances, four Board members from any Board (Spring, Summer or Fall) can either call an emergency Board or cabinet can present a motion at the next Board meeting to vote on firing the ED. In either case, the motion must be made at least a week before either the emergency Board meeting or the regular Board meeting. The EDRC will be in charge of presenting the allegations to the ED in writing four days before the meeting. The ED will be given the opportunity to respond to these allocations at the meeting. A vote to fire the ED under this provision requires at 2/3 majority vote in favor of firing. All board members must vote.

Extraordinary circumstances are defined as: negligence, unprofessional conduct, or incompetence that endangers the well being of the BSC or its members.